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Resource ValueSet/FHIR Server from package de.medizininformatikinitiative.kerndatensatz.icu#2025.0.0-ballot.1 (47 ms)

Package de.medizininformatikinitiative.kerndatensatz.icu
Type ValueSet
Id Id
FHIR Version R4
Source https://simplifier.net/resolve?scope=de.medizininformatikinitiative.kerndatensatz.icu@2025.0.0-ballot.1&canonical=https://www.medizininformatik-initiative.de/fhir/ext/modul-icu/ValueSet/MII-Code-Procedure-Beatmung-SNOMED
Url https://www.medizininformatik-initiative.de/fhir/ext/modul-icu/ValueSet/MII-Code-Procedure-Beatmung-SNOMED
Version 1.0.0
Status active
Date 2021-02-02
Name VS_MII_ICU_Code_Procedure_Beatmung_SNOMED
Title VS MII ICU Code Procedure Beatmung [SNOMED]
Experimental False

Resources that use this resource

https://www.medizininformatik-initiative.de/fhir/ext/modul-icu/StructureDefinition/beatmung SD MII ICU Beatmung

Resources that this resource uses

http://snomed.info/sct SNOMED CT (all versions)
http://snomed.info/sct SNOMED codes used in this IG
http://snomed.info/sct SNOMED CT Canada Immunizations


Note: links and images are rebased to the (stated) source

No human-readable text provided in this case.


  "resourceType" : "ValueSet",
  "id" : "vs-mii-icu-code-procedure-beatmung-snomed",
  "text" : {
    "status" : "empty",
    "div" : "<div xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\">No human-readable text provided in this case.</div>"
  "url" : "https://www.medizininformatik-initiative.de/fhir/ext/modul-icu/ValueSet/MII-Code-Procedure-Beatmung-SNOMED",
  "version" : "1.0.0",
  "name" : "VS_MII_ICU_Code_Procedure_Beatmung_SNOMED",
  "title" : "VS MII ICU Code Procedure Beatmung [SNOMED]",
  "status" : "active",
  "experimental" : false,
  "date" : "2021-02-02",
  "publisher" : "https://www.medizininformatik-initiative.de",
  "compose" : {
    "include" : [
        "system" : "http://snomed.info/sct",
        "concept" : [
            "code" : "1149092001",
            "display" : "Positive pressure airway ventilation (regime/therapy)"
            "code" : "53950000",
            "display" : "Respiratory therapy (procedure)"
            "code" : "243141005",
            "display" : "Mechanically assisted spontaneous ventilation (regime/therapy)"
            "code" : "11140008",
            "display" : "Respiratory assist, manual (procedure)"
            "code" : "428311008",
            "display" : "Non-invasive ventilation (regime/therapy)"
            "code" : "243160003",
            "display" : "Control of end expiratory pressure (procedure)"
            "code" : "33050008",
            "display" : "Pulmonary resuscitation (procedure)"
            "code" : "229306004",
            "display" : "Positive airway pressure therapy (regime/therapy)"
            "code" : "243180002",
            "display" : "Expired air ventilation (procedure)"
            "code" : "243161004",
            "display" : "Positive end expiratory pressure increased (procedure)"
            "code" : "243164007",
            "display" : "Positive end expiratory pressure reduced (procedure)"
            "code" : "59427005",
            "display" : "Synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation (regime/therapy)"
            "code" : "47545007",
            "display" : "Continuous positive airway pressure ventilation treatment (regime/therapy)"
            "code" : "243142003",
            "display" : "Dual pressure spontaneous ventilation support(regime/therapy)"
            "code" : "37113006",
            "display" : "Mouth-to-mouth resuscitation (procedure)"
            "code" : "243157005",
            "display" : "Liquid ventilation (regime/therapy)"
            "code" : "243170001",
            "display" : "Negative end expiratory pressure applied (procedure)"
            "code" : "371908008",
            "display" : "Oxygen administration by mask (procedure)"
            "code" : "243162006",
            "display" : "Positive end expiratory pressure increased to optimal positive end expiratory pressure (procedure)"
            "code" : "243166009",
            "display" : "Positive end expiratory pressure reduced to optimal positive end expiratory pressure (procedure)"
            "code" : "243168005",
            "display" : "Positive end expiratory pressure withdrawn (procedure)"
            "code" : "243150007",
            "display" : "Assist control ventilation (regime/therapy)"
            "code" : "243154003",
            "display" : "High frequency jet ventilation (regime/therapy)"
            "code" : "243155002",
            "display" : "High frequency oscillatory ventilation (regime/therapy)"
            "code" : "243153009",
            "display" : "High frequency positive pressure ventilation (regime/therapy)"
            "code" : "448442005",
            "display" : "Transtracheal jet ventilation (procedure)"
            "code" : "4764004",
            "display" : "Jet ventilation procedure (procedure)"
            "code" : "243143008",
            "display" : "Airway pressure release ventilation (regime/therapy)"
            "code" : "448134000",
            "display" : "Continuous positive airway pressure to nonventilated lung (regime/therapy)"
            "code" : "34281000175105",
            "display" : "Nocturnal continuous positive airway pressure (regime/therapy)"
            "code" : "34291000175108",
            "display" : "Nocturnal dual pressure spontaneous ventilation support (regime/therapy)"
            "code" : "229312009",
            "display" : "Nasal ventilation therapy (regime/therapy)"
            "code" : "243140006",
            "display" : "Lung inflation by intermittent compression of reservoir bag (procedure)"
            "code" : "229313004",
            "display" : "Manual hyperinflation (procedure)"
            "code" : "425696007",
            "display" : "Manual respiratory assistance using bag and mask (procedure)"
            "code" : "243184006",
            "display" : "Ventilation with self-inflating bag (procedure)"
            "code" : "74596007",
            "display" : "Resuscitation with artificial ventilation (procedure)"
            "code" : "243181003",
            "display" : "Expired air ventilation with airway aid (procedure)"
            "code" : "243183000",
            "display" : "Mouth to nose expired air ventilation (procedure)"
            "code" : "243182005",
            "display" : "Mouth to mouth expired air ventilation with airway (procedure)"
            "code" : "52729008",
            "display" : "Treatment by iron lung (regime/therapy)"
            "code" : "76777009",
            "display" : "Artificial respiration by electrophrenic stimulation (regime/therapy)"
            "code" : "281508008",
            "display" : "Cuirasse ventilation (regime/therapy)"
            "code" : "276737004",
            "display" : "Domiciliary ventilation (regime/therapy)"
            "code" : "276732005",
            "display" : "Apneic oxygenation (procedure)"
            "code" : "243159008",
            "display" : "Intermittent negative pressure ventilation (regime/therapy)"
            "code" : "243158000",
            "display" : "Fluorocarbon ventilation (regime/therapy)"
            "code" : "243172009",
            "display" : "Negative end expiratory pressure decreased (procedure)"
            "code" : "243171002",
            "display" : "Negative end expiratory pressure increased (procedure)"
            "code" : "82433009",
            "display" : "Continuous negative pressure ventilation treatment (regime/therapy)"
            "code" : "447837008",
            "display" : "Non-invasive positive pressure ventilation (regime/therapy)"
            "code" : "870392006",
            "display" : "Weaning from noninvasive ventilation (regime/therapy)"
            "code" : "243146000",
            "display" : "Diaphragmatic augmentation by rocking bed (procedure)"
            "code" : "429253002",
            "display" : "Oxygen administration by Venturi mask (procedure)"
            "code" : "371907003",
            "display" : "Oxygen administration by nasal cannula (procedure)"
            "code" : "398077001",
            "display" : "Oxygen dynamic interventions (procedure)"
            "code" : "182714002",
            "display" : "Oxygenator therapy (procedure)"
            "code" : "243136002",
            "display" : "Short-term oxygen therapy (procedure)"
            "code" : "315041000",
            "display" : "High concentration oxygen therapy (procedure)"
            "code" : "426990007",
            "display" : "Home oxygen therapy (procedure)"
            "code" : "304577004",
            "display" : "Humidified oxygen therapy (procedure)"
            "code" : "870533002",
            "display" : "Heated and humidified high flow oxygen therapy (procedure)"
            "code" : "71786000",
            "display" : "Intranasal oxygen therapy (procedure)"
            "code" : "1259025002",
            "display" : "Heated and humidified high flow oxygen therapy using nasal cannula (procedure)"
            "code" : "1186622005",
            "display" : "Synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation - pressure-control pressure-support inflation (regime/therapy)"
            "code" : "1186679003",
            "display" : "Synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation - volume targeted pressure-control and pressure-support inflation (regime/therapy)"
            "code" : "1186683003",
            "display" : "Synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation with pressure-control, an assured constant airway pressure adjunct and pressure-support at the higher pressure level only (regime/therapy)"
            "code" : "1186682008",
            "display" : "Synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation with pressure-control, one level of pressure-support active during both phases and an assured constant airway pressure adjunct (regime/therapy)"
            "code" : "1186681001",
            "display" : "Synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation with pressure-control, two levels of pressure-support and an assured constant airway pressure adjunct (regime/therapy)"
            "code" : "1186684009",
            "display" : "Synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation with synchronized termination pressure-control, pressure-support and an assured constant airway pressure adjunct (regime/therapy)"
            "code" : "1186685005",
            "display" : "Synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation with volume targeted pressure-control, pressure-support and an assured constant airway pressure adjunct (regime/therapy)"
            "code" : "1186736008",
            "display" : "Intermittent mandatory ventilation with pressure-control and pressure-support (regime/therapy)"
            "code" : "1186741000",
            "display" : "Intermittent mandatory ventilation with pressure-control and an assured constant airway pressure high adjunct and pressure-support at the higher pressure level only (regime/therapy)"
            "code" : "1186739001",
            "display" : "Intermittent mandatory ventilation with synchronized-termination pressure-control and pressure-support inflation and an assured constant airway pressure adjunct (regime/therapy)"
            "code" : "1186737004",
            "display" : "Intermittent mandatory ventilation with volume-targeted pressure-control and pressure-support (regime/therapy)"
            "code" : "1260411001",
            "display" : "Continuous flow apneic ventilation (regime/therapy)"
            "code" : "1186746005",
            "display" : "Assist control ventilation pressure control inflation-type (regime/therapy)"
            "code" : "1186748006",
            "display" : "Assist control ventilation pressure-control inflation-type and assured constant airway pressure adjunct (regime/therapy)"
            "code" : "1186747001",
            "display" : "Assist control ventilation volume-targeted pressure-control inflation-type (regime/therapy)"
            "code" : "1186744008",
            "display" : "Assist control ventilation volume-targeted pressure-control inflation-type and assured constant airway pressure adjunct (regime/therapy) "
            "code" : "1186745009",
            "display" : "Assist control ventilation volume-control inflation-type (regime/therapy)"
            "code" : "1186678006",
            "display" : "Continuous positive airway pressure with an assured constant airway pressure adjunct (regime/therapy)"
            "code" : "1186733000",
            "display" : "Continuous spontaneous ventilation with effort support (regime/therapy)"
            "code" : "1186731003",
            "display" : "Continuous spontaneous ventilation with pressure support (regime/therapy)"
            "code" : "1186732005",
            "display" : "Continuous spontaneous ventilation with volume targeted pressure-support (regime/therapy)"
            "code" : "1197780003",
            "display" : "Spontaneous and/or timed ventilation (regime/therapy)"
            "code" : "1186672007",
            "display" : "Spontaneous timed ventilation with pressure-support for spontaneous breaths and pressure-control with flow termination for ventilator initiated inflation (regime/therapy)"
            "code" : "1186658003",
            "display" : "Spontaneous timed ventilation with pressure-support for spontaneous breaths and volume-control ventilator initiated inflation (regime/therapy)"
            "code" : "1186674008",
            "display" : "Spontaneous timed ventilation with volume targeted pressure-support for spontaneous breaths and volume targeted pressure-control for ventilator initiated inflations (regime/therapy)"
            "code" : "1186621003",
            "display" : "Synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation - volume control pressure-support inflation (regime/therapy)"
            "code" : "1186680000",
            "display" : "Synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation volume control inflation and an assured constant airway pressure adjunct during expiratory phase (regime/therapy)"
            "code" : "1259864003",
            "display" : "Pressure support ventilation (regime/therapy)"
            "code" : "266700009",
            "display" : "Assisted breathing (regime/therapy)"
            "code" : "40617009",
            "display" : "Artificial ventilation (regime/therapy)"
            "code" : "1186618000",
            "display" : "Bilevel artificial ventilation (regime/therapy)"
            "code" : "1186620002",
            "display" : "Minimum minute volume ventilation (regime/therapy)"
            "code" : "870391004",
            "display" : "Assisted ventilation in prone position (regime/therapy)"
            "code" : "787180006",
            "display" : "Mechanical insufflation exsufflation (regime/therapy)"
            "code" : "424172009",
            "display" : "Dual pressure spontaneous ventilation support weaning protocol (regime/therapy)"
            "code" : "182686001",
            "display" : "Endotracheal respiratory assistance (procedure)"
            "code" : "243137006",
            "display" : "Long-term oxygen therapy (procedure)"
            "code" : "1336169000",
            "display" : "Low flow oxygen delivery (procedure)"
            "code" : "243136002",
            "display" : "Short-term oxygen therapy (procedure)"
            "code" : "387727008",
            "display" : "Intermittent positive pressure breathing treatment (regime/therapy)"
            "code" : "19861002",
            "display" : "Intermittent positive pressure breathing treatment with nebulized medication (regime/therapy)"
            "code" : "387726004",
            "display" : "Intermittent positive pressure breathing treatment without nebulized medication (regime/therapy)"
            "code" : "1258985005",
            "display" : "Invasive mechanical ventilation (regime/therapy)"
            "code" : "1297240007",
            "display" : "Neurally adjusted ventilatory assist (regime/therapy)"
            "code" : "1197610004",
            "display" : "Positive pressure ventilation via bag and mask (regime/therapy)"

XIG built as of ??metadata-date??. Found ??metadata-resources?? resources in ??metadata-packages?? packages.